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Be Proud Of What You Are!

Writer's picture: Hyo Jin MoonHyo Jin Moon

Hyo Jin Moon July 31, 1984 Belvedere

I don't know if I am ready for this debut. Father has been giving me a lot of chances the last couple of months, and I have been really trying to change in ways that Father wants me to.

First of all, I can talk about the workshop that we are going through with the blessed children. It is the first time that I have ever sat together with blessed children and had a workshop with them. For me especially it was an experience for which I am very grateful. I was most inspired by the love, the thoughts, and the feelings of each individual centering upon God. Everybody had a different perspective, but they all were really open to God's love and were really trying to unite and fight in their own minds to be standing where Father is standing.

I will not say much. There is one thing I really want to share with every one of you, because you are leaders. You are the stepping stones of our church, and you have great missions. What you are doing is not just a mission, it is not just a duty. It is making your own world, and making yourself, your individual self. It is not for the sake of anybody else, but it's for you in the long run. It's for everybody's benefit, for your grandchildren, for your generations to come. You are here for yourself, as well as for everybody's sake, and for God. And you really have to understand that. It is not just something that I am doing for somebody. You are under God's dominion, you are His children, everybody is. In a way you are doing it for yourselves.

So you really have to be proud of what you are doing and what you are. And you have to stand in front of all the followers you are leading, to be that example, so they can follow. You have to have that kind of strength when they need it, you know, when they are down, when they are really suffering inside, when they have some kind of problems, emotional problems. You can be a strong wall they can lean on so they will never, never crumble down.

True Champion of God

I see in this world there are many people who are champions in their own minds. We have to be true champions. What is a true champion, under God's dominion, under God's fundamental love? You have to be the one who is willing to give a hundred percent, not for others' sake, not for the glory, not for the moment of truth, no. For the true value -- what you are really made of. I really feel this kind of person is a true champion of God. And we all have to be true champions of God, not just champions in our own minds, because if everybody is separated in that way, we will never unite. Father always tells us unite, unite. What is unity? What is unity when everybody is great in his own perspective?

I used to take martial arts, I used to play guitar. When I was taking martial arts, when I became an instructor, in my eyes nobody was greater than me, nobody was greater. To be a martial arts instructor was the highest goal, the greatest achievement. But when I got there I looked at everybody through that eye of being at instructor level. I looked around at everybody and saw that they were not men. I had thought a man has to do martial arts, has to be strong, has to be fast. I found out I was wrong.

You have your own chosen field and you can be great at it, but you cannot look at other people without the direction of heart; because in God's eyes it's spherical, round. It's not just one direction. You might be holding just one direction, you might be doing something in one part, but that is not the whole thing. You have to be perfect.

What does perfection mean? What is perfection? I asked the question many times. Am I perfect to judge somebody because I am an instructor in martial arts? Or am I virtuous in playing guitar? No. I may be good at that, but there is something more to be learned and to seek, to gain. Humbleness -- the word sounds so simple -- but it has a very deep meaning I feel, very deep meaning. That is why although I used to be a very outgoing person, I cut off. I became very silent, because I haven't reached that perfection yet. I don't want to speak out yet because I want to know more. I have to know more. And there are so many things that need to be done, and so many people, so many different backgrounds and different personalities, different emotions, all different kinds of people. To touch those people, I have to be a part of them.

For me to really understand the beauty of something, I have to realize what is there to be emphasized, so I can make it into a better thing. There are so many flowers in the fields, so many trees, so many beautiful things in nature. But for me, to put a flower in a vase, to make that harmonious and make that beautiful, I have to pick out what it is that is beautiful. For that kind of vase, I have to put in that kind of flower, or this kind of plant. That makes it beautiful, not just the vase or the flower by itself. I feel everything in the world is there for us to see. We didn't make any of it. Einstein developed the theory of relativity because something called an atom already existed.

He found that. He didn't make that. Because something already existed, he found it, he just found it.

Make a Beautiful Place for God

We have to try our best to make a beautiful place for God. Don't ever forget that. Make a beautiful place for God, and for everyone, for your children, for your family. I really believe in that. And you have to understand that, and yon will have to teach your followers. If you are leaders, you have that duty to love them, to try to make them better for themselves and for their generations to come. Because you are in that kind of position, you have to set that kind of tradition.

What is the point if all of us here are happy, and all our children plus all our future generations are not happy? I know you are suffering very much, but that is honor, that is great honor. Your suffering will be cherished for generations, for thousands and thousands of years. Think about that. All those people you read about in the Bible, all the people who are praised, they were Jesus' disciples. Father's standard is way beyond that point, and you are his disciples. You are his children, you are his followers. Think about that. Think about a thousand years from now. You'll be way ahead of that position. What an honor that is! That is a great honor. You should take pride in that. I think that Father wants that, too.

That is unity: to love one another. If I want to get something, I have to go out to buy it. I have to give something to get what I want. I walk around and I see many of you, and sometimes you smile at me, and sometimes I just walk away. And you think in your mind: How come Hyo Jin's not smiling at me? Let's say every one of you smiled at me. That's about 200 smiles I have to give every day. Sometimes, I am just not made into a smiling face. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I have hard feelings. Sometimes I suffer. And sometimes I am very sick, physically ill. Every day is different. I am really sorry if I give to anybody that kind of misunderstanding. It's my fault, in a way. But maybe you have to try to understand a little bit, right? Maybe a little bit.

Same thing. I feel that you have to not just expect somebody to give you something, give you a smile. If you come up to me and I just walk away and don't smile at you, you think, "Oh! He didn't smile at me." Instead, if I didn't smile, maybe you could come up to me and ask, "Are you sick, is there something wrong?" That is giving. You could come to me and say: "Hey, I am opening my heart, I am giving myself to you. I want to earn your smile." Then if I still frown at you, I am a bad person. But if you come to me in that kind of way, I can only smile, I can never frown.

Love Your Fellow People

In that kind of way, you really have to love your fellow people. Just because you are leaders, you expect then o to do something for you. Just because of that? I know you are doing very well. I know that. That's what I felt when I was doing the 21-day workshop. We were like a family talking to each other. Every day I spoke during prayer time, from six o'clock to seven o'clock in the morning. It was a family atmosphere. 1 studied everyone very carefully. If somebody was suffering inside, or if somebody had different kinds of ideas or thoughts, or somebody was mistaken inside his head, I focused on that. I would take that topic and nicely approach them. I don't just -- blam -- I don't just crucify that person. Anyway, in that kind of way it really worked out well. And with that kind of feeling, with that kind of emotion, I embraced those people, and they embraced me back because I embraced them. I gave my love, I opened my heart to them. They opened theirs. That is why we were so successful.

Many people are asking, "How did you do it?" 1 say: "I don't know. It just happened." But with that kind of mind, with that kind of heart, I tried. I tried very hard. Because, in a way, I was saying to myself that I was doing this for Father, but in a way I was doing it for myself, and for everybody else, and for my family.

I really feel this is the great opportunity for us to be really united, really united into one, and serve Father. For us to roll, we cannot have any kind of cracks, we cannot have any chips or it will always clunk. The chips will become bigger and bigger, and later on it will break. So, we have to make sure there are no loose spots.

Maybe you have something in your mind, you don't agree with other people. You think in your mind: "I don't agree with my central figure, whatever he says. 1 don't agree with that kind of leadership." But maybe try to figure it out. Try to see a further distance. Maybe your thought, maybe your ideas, maybe your revelation, whatever inspiration you got about that direction you try to fulfill, maybe it was just for a hundred years to come, while maybe your leaders see for a thousand years to come.

Think Three Steps Ahead

Right now, physically or materially, you may not be gaining anything. Try to think about it. Maybe internally, heart-wise, you are winning a lot, gaining more victory in the long run. That is a true champion. You know I was a fighter. I used to get into fights all the time, because I like to fight. Because I don't like nobody looking down at me. When you fight, you have to keep three steps ahead. You cannot just be standing like this, just waiting for somebody to punch you, or kick you, or to try to make a counter-attack. You have to think three steps ahead: Okay, I am going to do like this! He is going to block me this way, so I'm going to turn that way, and I'm going to give this kind of kick or whatever. The person who thinks three steps ahead is a good fighter. Always think at least three steps ahead, because what if he does something different from what I have thought about? Right at that moment, I'll break, he'll hit me and I will be knocked down, and I will lose.

So, you really have to give our leaders a chance. You really have to support them. I really feel this is a great opportunity, and you guys are very lucky. I am a very lucky person, and you are too, I really believe it. If you don't believe me, you will believe me later on, maybe not in the physical world, but in the spiritual world.

Let's show what we can do. Show me what you can do. Show our second generation. They call us the second generation -- I don't like that. Show us what you can do, because you are doing it right now, you are running. So until the next turn in the track, when the baton is passed on, until that time I will be looking, we will be looking. And I hope you can set a tradition, a strong foundation for us to follow. With that tradition, with that foundation, we will respect you.

You can be the center. How's that? Surrounding Father, you can be the center, then we can surround at a greater distance, and we can move on, and on, and on, till the whole world is on our side.

So please, we are looking. Please, don't make any mistake. That's not a threat. I really hope that you can do that. I am praying for it. Especially with Father in prison and all, I am praying for it. Father loves us so much, you know? Think about that. Why am I saying that? Think about that. I thank you very much.

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